If you're reading this, you're likely looking to make some changes in your body composition or fitness levels. Maybe you want to build muscle, lose fat, or just feel stronger and more confident. Whatever your goals may be, it's important to understand what it takes for your body to change.

Creating a Stimulus for Change
The first step in changing your body is to create a stimulus that it's not used to. This means challenging your body in new ways and pushing it to its limits. Exercise is one of the best ways to create this stimulus.
When you exercise, you're putting stress on your body, which triggers a response that leads to muscle growth, fat loss, and improved fitness. But in order to continue seeing progress, you need to keep challenging your body in new ways. That's where variety comes in.
Variety is Key
Variety is essential when it comes to exercise. Doing the same workout every day will eventually lead to a plateau in progress. Your body adapts quickly to routine, so it's important to change up your workouts regularly. This could mean trying new exercises, increasing skill level, adding weights or resistance, or increasing intensity.
Trying new exercises can be a fun way to challenge your body and learn new skills. It can also help prevent boredom and keep you motivated. So next time there is a skill in class you always look for alternatives to, ask the coach to help you with some progressions to get you moving towards new goals!
Progression is Important
In addition to variety, progression is also important when it comes to changing your body composition. This means gradually increasing the intensity, volume, or difficulty of your workouts. For example, if you're doing bodyweight squats, you could progress to weighted squats, or if you're doing push-ups on your knees, you could progress to full push-ups. By progressing your exercises, you're giving your body a new challenge to adapt to. This will help build muscle, burn fat, and increase your overall fitness level.
Recovery is Essential
While it's important to challenge your body, it's equally important to give it time to recover. This means taking rest days, stretching, and fuelling your body with nutritious food. Recovery is when your body actually repairs and grows stronger, so it's crucial to make time for it.

Changing your body composition takes time, effort, and consistency. But by creating a stimulus for change, incorporating variety and progression, allowing for recovery, and maintaining a positive attitude, you can reach your fitness goals and feel your best. With the right mindset and approach, exercise can be a fun and rewarding experience. So, get out there and start challenging yourself!
American Council on Exercise. (2014). ACE Personal Trainer Manual (5th ed.). San Diego, CA: American Council on Exercise.
Schoenfeld, B.J. (2010). The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(10), 2857-2872.